Thursday, May 29, 2008

70% of LGBQ Students Sexually Harassed

According to a new study authored by James Gruber, University of Michigan in Dearborn, and Susan Fineran, University of Southern Maine, sexual harassment is often dealt with by school administrators as just another form of bullying; however, the study found that sexual harassment has a greater negative impact on its victims than bullying. “Comparing the Impact of Bullying and Sexual Harassment Victimization on the Mental and Physical Health of Adolescents,” which will be published in the July 2008 issue of Sex Roles, found that a staggering 70% of LGBQ students had been sexually harassed in school. This is twice the percentage (34%) of heterosexual students who reported harassment. The study also found that LGBQ and heterosexual female victims of sexual harassment suffered greater effects on their mental and physical health and more symptoms of trauma than heterosexual male victims.

To read more, check out the New York Times report or read the full study.

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