Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Don’t Miss These Important Events

Suicidal Behavior and Suicide Prevention Among LGBT Youth
April 4, 2008
Atlantic Oakes, Bar Harbor, Maine

Led by Mea Tavares, Maine Youth Action Network, and Effie Malley, Suicide Prevention Resource Center.

This interactive workshop will provide lots of examples and will review terminology, as well as current data and research, about suicidal behavior among LGBT youth and young adults. There will be discussion about LGBT youth culture and development and an examination of risk and protective factors. Finally there will be a discussion of the implications for suicide prevention. Participants will assess their school or agency for LGBT cultural competence and design program adaptations to address the needs of LGBT youth.

For more information contact Joanne DeCampos at or 622-7566 ext. 202

Maine LGBTI Health Summit: Challenges, Opportunities, Change
May 29, 2008 – Augusta Civic Center, Augusta, Maine

In Healthy Maine 2010: Opportunities for All sexual orientation and sexual minority status are factors that can lead to health disparities. These health disparities are intensified by a lack of population based data on the LGBTI community resulting in a scarcity of information on the health LGBTI Mainers.

That’s why the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention (MECDC) will be hosting its first LGBTI Health Disparities Summit, Maine LGBTI Health Summit — Challenges, Opportunities, Change on Thursday May 29, 2008 at the Augusta Civic Center, Augusta, Maine. Through a combination of educational sessions and workshops the 2008 Summit will focus on increasing awareness of health disparities, advocacy for consumers, and the collection of health related data in LGBTI communities. The keynote will be presented by Dr. Ilan H. Meyer. Registration is $25.

To Register: visit or call 207-626-3615

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